Summer 2020 Webinars: Part One
the Pattern that Connects
From Contraries to Complementarities in the Helping Relationship
Peter Wrycza, PhD, PCC
Online, 29 June 2020
Working with the Pattern that Connects
Probably the greatest challenge in working with people is how fully to respect the uniqueness of each moment with each client, while being able to generalize from the detail to connecting patterns and, thence, to the greater whole.
This challenge, which we all face, asks of us an ability to take each moment afresh, while remaining connected to what we have observed and learned, not only with this particular client, but with our experience of all our clients and our practice with people over time.
In this workshop, we ask, afresh, the question, what is ‘the pattern that connects’? And how does it help us work more deeply and directly with people?
How can connecting with the pattern that connects help align us with our own simplicity, while we embrace the complexity of the client?
Drawing on insights, ancient and modern, from both East and West, this webinar offers a powerful introduction to this enormous but vital topic. It will touch us personally, while offering practical insights into the fine tuning of our professional practice.
It will be of value to members of the helping professions and provide helpful background to those contemplating a deep dive into the Dynamics of Deep Transformation 14-31 August in Smolyan, Bulgaria.
Expect some theory, some practice, a live example, with some insight and integration. Looking forward to meeting you on 29 June.
Please note
This webinar will be of particular interest to practising coaches, counsellors, therapists, and psychologists. It will be of interest to those interested in exploring such work further and to potential participants in our 2-week Dynamics of Deep Transformation diploma training programme to be held in Bulgaria, 14-31 August 2020

This webinar is one of three to be held on 29 June, 6 and 14 July 2020. While, the second develops the input of the first, each is standalone. You may attend either or both.
Webinar, approx. 3.5 hours including 30 minute break.
17.00-20.30 London
18.00-21.30 Paris, etc.
19.00-22.30 Moscow, Kyiv, etc.
Webinar, approx. 3.5 hours including 30 minute break.
17.00-20.30 London
18.00-21.30 Paris, etc.
19.00-22.30 Moscow, Kyiv, etc.
Webinar, approx. 3.5 hours including 30 minute break.
17.00-20.30 London
18.00-21.30 Paris, etc.
19.00-22.30 Moscow, Kyiv, etc.
This Week Special Campaign!
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