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Awakening to Living Awareness
through the

Way of Unfolding

For those Contemplating or Committed to a Path of Personal and Spiritual DEVelopment, And Wanting to EMBARK ON, Deepen, or Renew THAT COMMITMENT to THEIR inner and outer Unfolding and Awakening.


Peter Wrycza, PhD, MCC, MP, ESIA

Nirarta, Bali 22 - 25 Aug. 2024

Our Direction...

For most people, life is a journey, a path from cradle to grave.

But where are we really heading? If you have been wondering about the path and where it leads, this 30-hour intensive  provides powerful pointers and practices to light your way. 

It offers an simple vital compass to help you realize, today, what you have always been seeking – your own inner nature and source – the unbounded fulfilment of Living Awareness.

Through this programme you will

  • Connect with your inner compass to become more at home in yourself and the world
  • Activate an integrative map to help you develop as a whole person
  • Acquire a simple set of practical tools to accelerate your unfolding in daily life
  • Glimpse your essential nature, so that you know where you are truly heading in this life
  • Enjoy three days of rest and renewal to heighten your awareness and recharge your batteries for the coming period
  • Release some of the tensions and blocks holding you back
  • Dip into the deeper wisdom, sustaining culture and community in Bali, to help you flow more gracefully

Refresh and renew yourself in a beautiful setting, at the Nirarta Centre, in the heart of the lush Sidemen valley – with twice-daily group meditation and sessions of ‘innerdance’ 

How We Work...

Through a mix of short talks, practical experiential processes, combined with sharing in small groups and in the larger group, to explore, assimilate, and embody, through direct knowing, in our whole being.

What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.
Thomas Merton
s Merton

Key Topics and Themes

  • Living Awareness – the abiding realization of silent Source of Presence, wordlessly living life within and through ourselves and all things.
  • The Way of Unfolding: the natural process of evolution manifesting over time – in the cosmos, in nature, in our societies, and in our lives
  • Understanding our development through the multi-levelled unfolding of the processes of change, learning, and growth


  •  The Four Key Avenues to Living Awareness:
    • Turning within to the Heart of Being – Awareness Meditation
    • Energetic release to open and free the bodymind – Energy Meditation, free movement, and innerdance
    • Awakening through inquiry – exploring and uncovering the true Self through Conversation on the Edge of Silence
    • Embracing wholeness through deepening relation and resonance with the Other – in nature, in our lives, and with each other 


  • Grace and gratitude: the power of prayer and offering to soften the heart


Our Usual Daily Schedule
& Programme

07.30-08.15      Morning Stretching and Awareness Meditation

08.30-09.30      Breakfast

09.30-12.45      Morning session with 15-minute break

12.45-14.15      Lunch and Relaxation

14.15-17.15      Afternoon session

17.15-17.45      Break

17.30-18.20      Evening Awareness Meditation

18.45-19.45      Dinner

20.00-21.30      Inner Energy Activation

Our Programme

– Arrival, registration, by 12.30 
– Welcome, Introduction, and Overview (14.00-17.00)

  • Unfolding Living Awareness through the Lotus of Life
  • Turning Within: Introduction to Living Awareness Meditation
  • Stretching and Group Awareness Meditation (17.30-18.20)

– Enlivening inner energy and releasing blocks through expressive movement

Living Awareness Meditation, Nirarta group practice (7.30-8.20)

Morning Session: 
– How the Balinese sense and sustain balance and wholeness in life;  introducing  the Way of Unfolding Compass:

  • Embodying the Compass
  • Exploring some deep dynamics in our lives.

The Fundamentals of Change. Releasing inner energy and heightening well-being through the resolution of inner tensions and contradictions

Living Awareness Meditation, Nirarta group practice (17.30-18.20)

– Enlivening inner energy and releasing blocks through innerdance (20.00-21.30) 

The Art of Enquiry into the nature of the Self, through Conversations on the Edge of Silence, peer partnering, listening from, and to, the heart of silence

Group Resonance and Living Awareness. Tuning into and enlivening the group field through Generative Dialogue

Living Awareness Meditation, Nirarta group practice (17.30-18.20)

Enlivening inner energy and releasing blocks through innerdance (20.00-21.30).

Living Awareness Meditation, Nirarta group practice (7.30-8.20)

The Path of Heart: opening and sharing inner awareness through simple ceremony, as we enjoy a purifying and enlivening blessing from a high priestess.

Radical Intimacy: peer partnering to listen and share from the heart of silence, and meet each other in our common ground – Living Awareness

– Closing circle, review and integration.

– Enjoying Living Awareness by aligning with, and unfolding, our inner compass.

– Closing ritual and celebration, sharing cacao.

Optional: Living Awareness Meditation group practice (17.30-18.20)

Facilitator, Peter Wrycza

Peter Wrycza, PhD, MCC, MP, ESIA, founder of Nirarta Centre for Living Awareness. 

Peter has been drawn to explore the nature of awareness since as long as he can remember. In recent years this has manifested in his work with people and his interest in the development of those who work with people.

This programme explores the unfolding of that work through non-dual awareness in ‘Conversations on the Edge of Silence’.

Course Fees

$US520 / €480 / RP 8,425,000 (per person, twin share)
$US596 / €550 / RP 9,720,000 (per person, single)

Please note

 Course fees include meals and accommodation (full board), from lunch on 22 August to lunch on 25 August. Not included: travel, transportation, any bank transfer charges.
If you require airport collection, or wish to stay for an extra night, please let us know

This Week Special Early Bird Rate!

If paid in full by 18 August 2024:               

$US420 / €380 / RP 6,850,000 (per person, twin share)
$US497 / €455 / RP 7,900,000 (single)